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Nibelungengau Music School


Office hours of the music school office

  • Tu, We 07:30 o'Clock - 11:30 o'Clock
  • Fr 07:30 o'Clock - 11:30 o'Clock, 14:00 o'Clock - 16:00 o'Clock

Next open:
Fr, 21/06/2024 from 07:30 o'Clock

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Consultation hours with the music school director by appointment. The music school director's office is closed during the statutory school holidays!!!! Please contact the office staff at the Klein-Pöchlarn municipal office at this time.

Music school director

Contact data of Klaus Hainzl
NameKlaus Hainzl
Telephone+43 676 4532255
Address3660 Kelin-Pöchlarn
Artstettner Straße 7

Treasurer (in questions about parental contribution payments)

Contact data of Michael Haslinger
NameMichael Haslinger
Telephone+43 7413 8300 13
Address3660 Kelin-Pöchlarn
Artstettner Straße 7

Music School Administration Office

Contact data of Isabell Hofmann
NameIsabell Hofmann
Telephone+43 7413 8300 15
Address3660 Klein-Pöchlarn
Artstettner Straße 7
Mslogo_für k5


Contact data of Nibelungengau Music School
AddressArtstettner Straße 7
3660 Kelin-Pöchlarn
Telephone+43 7413 8300 12
Fax+43 7413 8300 20

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